Saheliya is a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh and Glasgow area.
Our staff are from a variety of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds and we all have an understanding of how race, gender and culture affects the mental well-being of black and minority ethnic women and girls
We promote mental well-being by combating the effects of discrimination and abuse, reducing the stigma of mental health, improving access to mainstream services. Saheliyaโs services and partnership work extends through healthcare, housing, education, employment, immigration and access to justice.
We develop our service userโs self-esteem and confidence as well as reduce barriers such as isolation and depression. We do this by using a range of wrap around services including counselling, group work, practical support, advocacy, youth work and learning opportunities.
Our Services
Opportunities to explore and express issues and feelings. Provided by trained, ย BACP registered counsellors in English and a variety of minority ethnic languages.
1to1 Support and Advocacy
Specialist 1to1 practical and emotional support and advocacy.
We provide support in variety of minority ethnic languages.
Young Saheliya
The Young Saheliya Service provides support for young BAME women and girls from the age of 12-18 years in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Skills Development
We provide training and courses to build skills and achieve qualifications. Courses include ESOL, IT, Child Care, Cookery, Sewing etc.
Our groupwork supports women to gain better knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing.
Environmental Projects
We aim to create therapeutic outdoor space for women as well as opportunities to learn about environmental issues- such as recycling, upcycling and composting
Childcare Services
Our Around the World Nursery in Edinburgh and Play and Learn Centre in Glasgow offer childcare for service users helping women access learning and support services.
We also offer affordable childcare for external clients generating income to provide free childcare for our service users.
To refer to any of our services please fill in a referral form.
Our Mission
To promote mental well-being by combating the effects of discrimination and abuse, reducing the stigma of mental health, and improving access to mainstream services.

Our Vision
Our vision is a fully inclusive Scotland where women are active citizens, socially engaged and economically integrated